Ethiopia Emerald | Gemstone Jewellery | Looking for emerald engagement ring or emerald jewellery

Ethiopia Emerald – The best of Columbia, Brazil and Zambian Emerald

In the year of 2016, quality emeralds were discovered in southern region of Ethiopia, Seba Boru. These beautiful emeralds, have similar characteristic to Columbia, Brazil and Zambian. An average of 3.0 carat or lesser in size, with ‘minty green’ and ‘glowing green’ in colour. Minimum inclusion and clarity, which required no enhancement or oiling as compared to the rest of the origin. Best of all, they do not cost a premium as compared to Colombian emeralds.

Emerald are commonly source in Colombia, Zambia and Brazil. The colour of emerald varies according to its origin. Colombian emeralds have dominated the market for decades, known for its pure green with a faint tint of blue. Zambian emeralds are fine, deep green with better clarity. Brazil emeralds are lighter in colour with yellowish tone and slight cloudiness as compared to Colombian.

Ethiopia, with a population of estimated 95 million, and a fast growing economy. Reported an impressive growth of range 8% – 12% yearly. well-known for its beautiful opals and affordable price as compared to the Australian. This unique gemstone have play-of-colour range from a colour base of clear, white, yellow, orange, or brown.

In the recent years, Ethiopia gemstone, has gain much recognition in the gemstone and jewellery market. Gem collectors and gemologists are keeping an eyes on them, and probably a matter of time for Ethiopia emerald to build its name in the market.

Customised engagement ring with emerald, for your wedding proposal? Handcraft a bespoke emerald pendant? Consider Ethiopia emerald, with vivid green at affordable price. More update on our new gemstones, and jewellery design in the Highlights!



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