Black Diamond Setting - Customised jewellery

Colourless Diamonds, Champagne Brown Diamonds and Black Diamonds

Should you consider your engagement ring with colourless diamond, or the nonconventional coloured diamond; Black or Champagne Brown diamond? Choose the ring that best suit your taste and style, doesn’t matter what the choice may be. Bespoke a statement jewellery, with our collection of unique diamonds.

Natural black diamond, known as “Carbonado”, origin from Brazil and Africa. Appear in black, as they are form by the inclusion of graphite during the crystallisation, which make them unique from colourless diamond. Black diamond, are much more affordable as compared to colourless diamonds.

In fact, black diamond are rarer than colourless diamond. They are either form naturally during the crystallisation and are enhanced (burned) to obtain the black. Somehow similar to coloured gemstone, where heat enhancement is common.

Natural black diamond, might not sparkle like how colourless diamond does. They are completely different from any other fancy coloured diamonds. The striking appeal of black diamond is commonly use in both ladies and men’s jewellery. Customised wedding bands, engagement ring to custom made men’s cufflinks and fine jewellery.




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